Updated hilightphrase XChat plugin

Posted on Fri 18 June 2010 in Technology

I finally found some free time and updated my hilightphrase XChat python plugin.

The Changes:

  1. When listing out the highlighted strings, they are displayed in a separate tab instead of the current tab
  2. The list of phrases contains are numbered so that you can delete them using the index instead of typing to whole string back out
  3. Added a help command for a short explanation of each command
  4. There is only one command now, /hilight, that accepts the options like “add”, “help”, “list”, etc.

The script can be downloaded here

__module_name__ = 'hilight-phrase'
__module_description__ = 'XChat notification and hilighting on phrases instead of single words'
__module_version__ = '2.5'

import xchat, re

CONFFILE = xchat.get_info('xchatdir') + '/hilight-phrase.conf'

xchat.prnt('%(name)s, version %(version)s' % {'name': __module_name__,  'version': __module_version__})  

def read_list():
        conf = open(CONFFILE,'r')
        xchat.prnt(CONFFILE + " currently doesn't exist, creating")
        return None
    lines = conf.readlines()
    for each in lines:

def save_list():
    conf = open(CONFFILE,'w')
    for phrase in list:
        conf.write(phrase + '\n')

def check_msg(word, word_eol, userdata):
    for phrase in list:
        if phrase in word_eol[1].lower():
            xchat.command("gui color 3")
            xchat.emit_print( "Channel Msg Hilight", word[0], word[1] )
            return xchat.EAT_ALL

    return xchat.EAT_NONE

def add_hilight_phrase(word, word_eol, userdata):
    if len(word) <= 2:
        return list_hilight_phrase(word, word_eol, userdata)
    phrase = word_eol[2]
    if phrase not in list:
        xchat.prnt('\x032* "%s" will be hilighted' % phrase)
        xchat.prnt('\x032* "%s" is already being hilighted' % phrase)
    return xchat.EAT_XCHAT

def list_hilight_phrase(word, word_eol, userdata):
    xchat.command('query @hilight')
    tab = xchat.find_context(channel='@hilight')
    tab.prnt('\x032Current hilight-phrase list: %d hilighted.' % len(list))
    for index, phrase in enumerate(list):
        tab.prnt('\x032 %s -- %s' % (index, phrase))
    tab.prnt('\x032* End of hilight-phrase list')
    return xchat.EAT_XCHAT

def remove_hilight_phrase(word, word_eol, userdata):
    if len(word) <= 2:
        return list_hilight_phrase(word, word_eol, userdata)
    index = int(word[2])
    if index >= 0 and index < len(list):
        xchat.prnt('\x032 "%s" has been removed from the hilight list' % list[index])
        del list[index]
        xchat.prnt('\x032 %d is not a valid selection' % index)

    return xchat.EAT_XCHAT

def help_list(word, word_eol, userdata):
    xchat.command('query @hilight')
    tab = xchat.find_context(channel='@hilight')
    tab.prnt('/hilight add <phrase> - add <phrase> to list of strings to highlist')
    tab.prnt('/hilight list - print current list of strings to highlight')
    tab.prnt('/hilight remove <index> - remove list item #<index> from list of strings to hightlist')
    tab.prnt('/hilight help - print this message')
    return xchat.EAT_XCHAT

def choose(word, word_eol, userdata):
    if len(word) == 1:
        return help_list(word, word_eol, userdata)
    command = word[1]
    if command == "add": return add_hilight_phrase(word, word_eol, userdata)
    if command == "remove": return remove_hilight_phrase(word, word_eol, userdata)
    if command == "list": return list_hilight_phrase(word, word_eol, userdata)
    if command == "help": return help_list(word, word_eol, userdata)

    xchat.prnt("unknown option: %s, use '/hilight help' for help" % command)

    return xchat.EAT_XCHAT

xchat.hook_command("hilight", choose)
xchat.hook_print("Channel Message", check_msg)